
Background and Rationale

The University recognizes the importance of off-campus learning experience and is actively seeking internship opportunities to enrich students’ learning experience and exposure.

In 2007, the University introduced the USA Disney Internship, which is an internship that comprises living, learning and working experience at one of the world’s leading entertainment and hospitality companies – Walt Disney USA.

The program supports the education aim of whole person development of students, and tries to establish connection between academic training and a practical working context. It aims at providing invaluable education experience for students to enhance their personal growths, generic skills, personal qualities in terms of career aspirations, self-confidence, as well as social and language skills.

About One Semester Off-Campus Programme (OSOC)

Upholding the Whole Person Education philosophy of the University, the Faculty of Social Sciences has established the Internship Programmes since 2005 for its undergraduate students. Taking the opportunity for the 3-3-4 curriculum reforms, the Faculty further enhances the Whole Person Education ethos and adopts an outcome-based approach by introducing the One Semester Off-Campus Programme under the new 4-year curriculum.

It is a strategy in whole-person development by encouraging its undergraduate students to opt for the off-campus learning experience according to their interests and study plans for at least one semester during their university life. Apart from the curriculum-based off-campus learning practices offered by some academic programmes, there are plenty of other off-campus learning activities organised by different parties.